C/C++ Users Group Library 1996 July
C-C++ Users Group Library July 1996.iso
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109 lines
;-- Listing 1 (RDSCRN.ASM)
; APL to C Interface Routine
; When called from APL,
; - BX contains argument pointer,
; - CX contains result pointer.
; Note that this will create a Binary Image!
_TEXT SEGMENT ; define code segment
assume cs:_TEXT, ds:_TEXT, ss:_TEXT, es:_TEXT
EXTRN _result_size:NEAR
EXTRN _read_screen_blocks:NEAR
org 0h ; APL starts at 0
start: db 10 dup(90h) ; need 10 NOPs to get offsets
; (relative to CS) correct.
; These would be dropped in APL
jmp short begin
; ... insert constants and data here - will be relative to CS
arg_ptr dw 0 ; stptr of arg
arg_data dw 0 ; where data starts in argument
arg_rows dw 0 ; number of rows in argument
res_ptr dw 0 ; stptr of result
res_type db 1 ; define result type of char
res_rank db 2 ; " rank as 2 dim matrix
res_rows dw 0 ; nbr rows in result - filled in later
res_cols dw 0 ; nbr cols in result " " "
main proc far ; APL needs far return
push cx
push dx
push ds
push si
int 3 ; useful for debugging purposes!
mov cs:arg_ptr,bx ; save argument pointer
mov cs:res_ptr,cx ; save result pointer
; check that input variable proper type, rank and size
mov ds,[bx] ; load argument SEGMENT to DS
mov si,6 ; SI pts to rank,type of APL arg
lodsw ; load rank,type to AX
cmp al,2 ; is 2 byte integer?
jne bummer ; no, quit
mov cx,1 ; for vector,init CX w/1 row in arg
cmp ah,1 ; is vector? (ie,rank=1)
je arg_chk ; yes, get on with it,check arg size
cmp ah,2 ; is 2 dim matrix? (ie,rank=2)
jne bummer ; nope, quit
mov cx,[si] ; yes, get next word, 1st dim to CX
inc si ; get SI to pt to last dimension
inc si ; for rank 2 matrix
jmp arg_chk ; ok .. check argument size
bummer: int 0 ; signal domain error + quit
arg_chk: ; check that last dimension = 4
lodsw ; load last dimension to AX
cmp ax,4 ; if not 4
jne bummer ; quit with error
mov cs:arg_data,si ; save this for posterity
mov cs:arg_rows,cx ; d i t t o
res_size: ; Call RESULT_SIZE to calculate size of final result
lea ax,res_cols ; get offset of #cols
push cs ; .. push segment
push ax ; .. and offset
lea ax,res_rows ; get offset of # rows
push cs ; .. push segment
push ax ; .. and offset
push ds ; push Argument Segment to C
push si ; push Argument data start to C
push cx ; number of rows in argument
call _result_size
add sp,14
make_res: ; create final result object, assign to APL variable
mov al,0 ; set for fn 0
mov bx,cs:res_ptr ; load result pointer to BX
push cs
pop es ; set up ES:SI with variable
lea si,res_type ; info - type,rank,size(s)
int 0c8h ; do the work ...
fill_res: ; Call READ_SCREEND_BLOCKS to fill in final result
push es ; load ptr to result from above
push di ; ES:DI pts to data start ...
push cs:res_cols ; load up max nbr cols to C
push ds ; push argument Segment to C
push cs:arg_data ; push arg data start to C
push cs:arg_rows ; number of rows in argument
call _read_screen_blocks ; read in data into result
add sp,12
pop si
pop ds
pop dx
pop cx
main endp
_TEXT ends
end start